The mind is a crazy puzzle. Last night I awoke in the dead of night with this vision to paint "Frank's Camera Shop". I'm not sure why...I wasn't thinking about camera shops and I don't even know any Franks but all the same it popped in my head. I went back to sleep and then this morning, remembering my vision, I got up and painted Frank and his camera shop. He's a nice lookin' chap.
I had a dream last night...Mike wasn't entertained. I think you might be. You were there along with Andon and Cassie. Any time we picked up a cracker box (like wheat thins or triscuits) we could hold it out in front of us and fly, like a hand held jet pack. For some reason we were flying all over Portola School. It was pretty awesome and I was super annoyed when I woke up.
(like wheat thins or triscuits) we could hold it out in front of us and fly, like a hand held jet pack. For some reason we were flying all over Portola School.New Hubcaps
(like wheat thins or triscuits) we could hold it out in front of us and fly, like a hand held jet pack. For some reason we were flying all over Portola School.New Hubcaps
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