Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Scarf Hoodie

So I had this idea to make a hood that you could rock like a scarf. My head loves hoods and being that it's winter time it's perfect weather to rock a scarf so.. I talked to the head of my sewing department (her name is Cassie and she's a fox) about the idea and she said we could try it out. We went to the garment district on Sunday afternoon and I picked out the fabrics, went home, homegirl got to work and before I knew it, she had made it happen. It is unquestionably awesome.

1 comment:

amyrenee said...

I think you should call in the Scoodie.

Or the Harf.

Uh, strike that. Stick with Scoodie. Harf rhymes with barf.

And that's no good.