Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The 60's

History is a mysterious beast no? You just don't know how things will look until it's slipping off into the distance. It's like this slow drying concrete that takes two generations to set.
What got me thinking about this is how people love to reference/romanticize the 60's. The 60's were clearly an explosive period and I think we like to talk about it because we can now say, "hooray, it's over, we made it out and we're still somewhat okay!"
The truth is things could have gone horribly wrong in the 60's but for the most part, they didn't and that's why we like to look back and talk about it.
All that to say, I wonder if our current situation is another "60's" where people in 2059 will say, "wow! remember the 00's, yeah, lets make a movie about it!"
Either that or the world won't be around in 2059.

1 comment:

amyrenee said...

The first three sentences of this post sound like lyrics. In fact, I recommend that you make them that, soon.